No gym, no problems. Grab your resistance band and get down to this full body workout.
If you don’t know what resistance band to find, check this resistance band ultimate guide.
Start with a Pre Workout Warm Up:
Do each exercise for 60 seconds, 2 sets.
1. Jump Rope Drills
- Stand with your legs slightly bent, your arms bent, and your hands out to your sides.
- Begin jumping, at the same time, rotate your shoulders and arms as if you are jumping rope without the rope.
2. Air Squats
- Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with your knees and toes pointed outward and your arms resting at your sides or in front of you.
- Bend your knees slowly, pushing your butt and hips out and down behind you as if you are sitting down into a chair.
- Keep your head and shoulders aligned over your knees and your knees aligned over your ankles.
- Keep your weight balanced evenly between the front and back of your feet.
- Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
5. Squatting Leg-out Adductor Stretch
- Stand with your feet wide apart.
- Keep one leg straight and your toes pointing forward while bending the other leg.
- Lower your groin towards the ground and rest your hands on the ground.
- Move from one leg to the other.
Full Body Resistance Band Workout
You will need only a resistance band. Here is a full resistance band guide how to pick the best one.
1. Resistance Band Reverse Fly
- Hold resistance band in front of you with your hands slightly lower than your shoulders. Keep your elbows slightly soft to avoid hyperextending the joint.
- Stabilize your torso as you open your arms out to the sides, focusing on the shoulder blades sliding together. Inhale as you slowly return your arms back to starting position.
- Repeat 12 times.
2. Resistance Band Overhead Reverse Fly
- Start with arms straight overhead, bring arms parallel to the floor stretching the band. Pause. Come back to starting position.
- Repeat 8 times.
3. Overhead Squats
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Extend arms overhead until arms are straight, holding resistance band, barbell or dumbbell.
- Squat back and down until the top of your thighs are parallel to the floor. Lift your body up to a starting position.
- Repeat 12 times.
4. Resistance Band Overhead Triceps Extension
- Stand on top of a band with your foot.
- Grab both ends of the band and raise them straight overhead.
- Without moving your arms, bend at your elbow and slowly lower your forearms until they are parallel with the ground. Keep your core tight and back straight.
- Contract your tricep and press the ends back up to starting position.
- Repeat 10-12 times.
5. Resistance Band Side Kick (right/left leg)
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
- Stand on top of a band with your foot.
- Grab both ends of the band in one hand, lift one leg to the side making a kick. Do 20 times.
Resistance Band Full Body Workout Video
[youtube url=”” title=”Full body workout”]To make your workouts more interesting, check these 33 Resistance Band Exercises You Can Do Anywhere, Anytime.