Diabetes is a lifelong medical condition that is affecting blood sugar and insulin levels in the body. Treatment includes lifestyle strategies and more often medication, but some complementary therapies such as healthy herbs and supplements may help.
In diabetes, the human body does not produce enough insulin or produces insulin that the body is not able to use properly.
Herbs and supplements, unfortunately, will not heal diabetes and should not be taken as a standalone therapy, but some may combine with conventional treatment to ensure relief from symptoms and curtail the risk of complications.
Let’s dive into 8 herbs and supplements that can provide benefits to people with type 2 diabetes.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is a fairly common plant with many functionalities. People are aware of its benefits for skin care, but it certainly has some other less known benefits.
Review, published in 2013 researched the use of aloe vera to treat symptoms of diabetes in rats. Findings suggested that aloe vera might aid and repair the beta cells in the pancreas that create insulin. Researchers are fairly certain that it might be due to aloe’s antioxidant effects.
Cinnamon is a super delicious spice with powerful effects on health and metabolism. One of the popular ingredients in sweets, baked goods, and some other dishes. It boasts a taste that can add sweetness without the use of additional sugar. It is popular with type 2 diabetes patients for this reason alone, but it may also provide some other benefits.
A 2010 review discovered evidence from studies involving humans that cinnamon may enhance levels of:
- Glucose
- Insulin sensitivity and insulin levels
- Lipids in the blood
- Blood pressure
- Body mass
- Digestion of foods
People can use cinnamon in a variety of cooked dishes, different types of tea or as a supplement.
Milk Thistle
People have been using milk thistle since ancient times for different treatments, and especially as a tonic for the liver.
The extract from milk thistle that has been under the spotlight of the scientist is a compound with antioxidant properties. This is the property that can make milk thistle a useful herb for people with diagnosed diabetes.
Many studies on silymarin are promising, but the research is still not potent enough to recommend the herb or extract alone for the treatment of diabetes. There appear to be zero reports of significant side effects, and widespread use of milk thistle as a supplement is becoming more and more popular.
Not many supplements out there provide optimal benefits for a medical condition such as diabetes. Curalin is a nutritional supplement based on herbs for people who want to maintain healthy and optimal glucose levels. Infused with traditional Ayurveda practices and modern technology provides the perfect formula for glucose support.
Some of the benefits include:
- Boosting daily energy levels
- Supporting weight loss
- Helps the digestion of sugars
- Boosts insulin sensitivity and production
That is why Curalin type 2 diabetes herbal supplement is one of the preferred choices for people with diagnosed diabetes.
Gymnema Sylvestre is a herb with an origin from India. It is fairly named “sugar destroyer.” A 2013 review noticed that people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes who consumed Gymnema showed signs of notable improvement. In people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes who took the leaf extract for the duration of 18 months, fasting blood sugar levels decreased significantly, compared with a group who received just insulin.
Some other tests using Gymnema discovered that people with type 2 diabetes responded well to the leaf over different periods. Some people said to have experienced lower levels of sugar in the blood and higher insulin levels.
Ginger is another herb that people have used for many years in traditional medicine. People more often used ginger to help treat some of the digestive and inflammatory issues. However, in 2015 a review showed that it may also have some use in treating diabetes. Because of this, they suggest that ginger may help reduce insulin resistance in the body for type 2 diabetes.
People should always consult with a healthcare professional before using any new type of herb or supplement. The suggestions of a doctor may include starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing it until a patient finds an adequate dose. People should also make sure to obtain their herbs and supplements from a certified source.