Breast Implants or a Breast Lift: Which Is My Best Option?

The girl in black bra on white is holding her breast

There are now a few different treatment options available to those who would like to change the size or shape of their breasts, and it might be difficult to decide which procedure is going to produce the best results. If you have recently decided that you are interested in a cosmetic operation that will alter your breasts, then you are probably going to choose between a breast lift or breast implants. Both of those treatments can be incredibly effective, but they are designed to address very different issues.

An Overview of Breast Implants

You will be able to enhance your breasts by one or more cup sizes with breast augmentation surgery, and that procedure can give you a very natural appearance. During the operation, the surgeon is going to carefully place one implant in each breast, and the implants will be filled with silicone, saline, or another similar material.

In addition to deciding which type of material you would like to use, you must also choose where the incisions are going to be made, how large you would like the implants, and what the shape of the implants will be. Your surgeon can go over all of that information with you during your initial consultation and give you a better idea of what the results are going to be like. Once the implants are in place, they should last for at least 10 years as long as you remain healthy.

A Look at the Breast Lift Procedure

A breast lift helps with the placement of the breasts as well as any symmetry issues that the patient might be struggling with. That operation allows surgeons to adjust or remove excess tissue in order to pull the breasts higher on the chest. They can also alter the size and position of the nipples and the areolas if they are oversized or asymmetrical.

The primary goal of the operation is to create perkier breasts that are perfectly balanced and complement the rest of the patient’s body. While the results of the operation can last for quite some time, that tissue will continue to naturally age as the patient grows older. Patients are usually able to enjoy the results of the operation for 10 to 15 years, but weight fluctuations and lifestyle habits can impact those numbers.

Combining Your Operations

If you would like to completely transform your breasts, then you should consider combining a breast lift with breast implants. You might feel as if your breasts hang too low and aren’t proportionate to the rest of your body, and addressing both of those issues is going to require a combination treatment.

Carrying out both of these procedures at the same time is a relatively easy process, and you will only have to go through a single recovery period. As a bonus, the surgeon might even be able to carry out the operations with the same incisions, and that means you won’t have to worry about multiple sets of scars.

What Will My Recovery Be Like?

What takes place during your recovery is going to depend on quite a few things, and that includes your age, how much the soft tissue had to be altered, where the incisions were made, and your overall health. In most cases, patients are back on their feet within a few days of these procedures.

That being said, you should plan on having a loved one nearby for at least a week so that they can help you with everyday tasks. As long as there aren’t any complications, you will most likely be able to resume all activities within five or six weeks, and that includes exercising.

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