Preserving your youthful appearance can be an incredibly difficult task, and you will probably develop at least a few age-related imperfections as you grow older.
Those blemishes can result in a negative self-image or issues with your overall confidence and happiness. If you are ready to rejuvenate your beauty, then you should consider speaking with a skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeon.
Plastic surgery is popular among adults of all ages, but it is particularly effective at helping those who are struggling with facial imperfections. Your surgeon will be able to restore your natural beauty by eradicating a wide variety of blemishes around the eyes, nose, cheeks, and jawline.
Dealing With Imperfections on Your Own
Even though there are some steps that you can take to protect your skin and avoid common cosmetic issues throughout the face, there will most likely come a point when it feels as if you are fighting an uphill battle.
When your skin becomes damaged and loses its elasticity, you might notice fine lines around the mouth, deep folds near the nose, or loose skin along your jawline. Once those issues have developed, getting rid of them on your own is going to be nearly impossible.
Meeting with a plastic surgeon will give you the opportunity to learn more about all of the leading cosmetic procedures that are currently available to patients. That includes the facelift procedure, a popular operation that allows surgeons to minimize or completely erase many different blemishes on the lower half of the face.
An Overview of the Facelift Procedure
The facelift continues to be one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world, and it is now being carried out hundreds of thousands of times each year. The goal of a facelift is to gently enhance and accentuate a patient’s natural beauty by adjusting some of the tissue near the nose, cheeks, mouth, and jawline.
That is accomplished by making small incisions near each ear before altering the skin and underlying fat throughout the face. When this operation is carried out by a skilled surgeon, it can produce eye-catching results that the patient should enjoy for a decade or longer. It can also be combined with other cosmetic treatments to eradicate age-related blemishes around the forehead and eyes.
What to Expect During Your Facelift
This operation can usually be completed in two to four hours, but patients should plan on spending most of their day at the surgical center. To prep you for the operation, a team member is going to clean the treatment site, mark the incision locations, and administer an anesthetic that puts you to sleep.
After you have been anesthetized, the surgeon can make two or three incisions before altering some of the nearby tissue. Those incisions are generally made around both of the patient’s ears and just below the base of the chin. They can also be made along the natural folds of the patient’s skin and near the hairline so that they are nearly invisible when the tissue has fully healed.
Once the surgeon is satisfied with the results, they can suture the incisions shut and place bandages around the face to minimize swelling and discoloration. Following your operation, you should have a loved one ready to drive you home and look after you for at least a few days.
After the inflammation and discomfort have begun to subside, you should then be able to carry out minor tasks around the house. Within a few weeks of the procedure, patients must schedule a follow-up appointment so that a surgeon can take a closer look at the results and confirm that there are no complications.
Within four or five weeks, the average patient will be able to resume all normal activities as long as they have been cleared by their surgeon.