14 Instagram Girls To Follow for Fitness Motivation

Looking for fitness motivation? Here are the 14 Instagram fitspo girls we love the most.

PS: Follow us for Instagram fitspo too, we are @topyourlife.

1) Jen Selter

4.5 mio followers

Follow: jenselter


Jennifer Lopez, move over, Jen has Instagram’s most popular butt. She likes to show it and “Seltering” has made it to offical Instagram lingo.

Favorite fitspo quote:

2) Michelle Lewin

2 mio followers

Follow: michelle_lewin

This girl is famous for her gorgeous strong-not-skinny body. Michelle is one of 12 Instagram girls with perfect abs. Plus she has Instagram’s cutest freckles. 

Favorite fitspo quote:

3) Lyzabeth Lopez

1 mio followers 

Follow: lyzabethlopez


Fitness instructor, personal trainer, pro fitness competitor and registered holistic nutritionist. Liza is the one who can help to transform your body and keep the results.

Favorite fitspo quote:

Do what has to be done;
When it has to be done;
As well as it can be done;
Do it that way all the time.

4) Cenna


Follow: censkiii

Cenna calls herself a gym junkie.  She has great no equipment exercise videos and a lot of healthy recipes. She is one of the best fitness motivators.

Favorite fitspo quote:

Choose your thoughts carefully. Keep what brings you peace, release what brings you suffering. And know that happiness is just a thought away

5) Emily Skye


Follow: emilyskyefit

Emily Skye is an Australian health & fitness ambassador. This fit girl is a great example of how clean eating, dedicated work and consistency can bring great results.

Favorite fitspo quote:

Go for it! You deserve to be who you want to be and only you can make it happen! It probably won’t be easy but it will be worth it!

6) Liz and Sara -The Super Sisters


Follow: gosupersisters

These two cuties can give you double motivation! They know how to get rid of belly fat & tone the whole body.  Follow them and you’ll be super fit, super healthy and super sexy.

Favorite fitspo quote:

Listen! Learn! Collaborate! What are you doing to become more selfless, improve your relationships, and help those around you

7) Theresa Team


Follow: tmiller_fit

Theresa’s workout videos and motivational posts can make anyone become a fitness fan.  If you are looking for meal and fitness plans, go follow this great girl.

Favorite fitspo quote:

8) Miss_LZ_fit


Follow: aurora_lz_fit

Every her post is a motivation. She knows how to keep balance, be positive, fit and beautiful. Miss_LZ_fit is a real inspiration!

Favorite fitspo quote:

9) Mima


Follow: cookinwithmima

Yuuum! This girl is a real treasure for both vegan and no vegan food lovers. Her recipes are not just easy and quick but healthy. 

10) Amy Sgoda


Follow: amyspieceofcake

Amy is a green foodie who loves to inspire with a healthy food and lifestyle. She turns food into a masterpiece. 

Favorite fitspo quote:

Everything I make must be tasty and delicious!

11) Cecilie Lind


Follow: clind

Cecilie is a fitness model & IFBB athlete and she definitely knows how to build a beautiful and fit body. Her recipes are easy and healthy. Follow this fitness model and you’ll always be lean.  

Favorite fitspo quote:

12) Jennifer Rose


Follow: neuroticmommy

Fresh salads, pink sushi, chocolate covered pretzels, that’s all about Jennifer. She is not just a creative foodie but a happy mom and wife.  

Favorite fitspo quote:

13) Ana Delia De Iturrondo


Follow: anadfitness

Sexy, beautiful, fit and healthy, Ana Delia is an IFBB pro, Intl model and PromeraSports athlete. 

Favorite fitspo quote:

14) Sarah Ravindran


Follow: fitandfiesty

This Australian fitness foodie knows how to turn sweets into healthy treats. Her recipes will make you mouth watering and her motivational posts will inspire you not to give up.

Favorite fitspo quote:

More Instagram Fitness Girls to Follow

Follow @FitAndShaped for more inspiring Instagram fitness girls!

More? 17 Inspirational Yogis to Follow on Instagram

Need Motivation? 99 Inspirational Fitness Quotes to Motivate Your Workout

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