17 Inspirational Yogis to Follow on Instagram

There is a huge yoga community on Instagram. Here are the 17 most inspirational yogis for you to follow! Some of them are international instructors, others are advanced practitioners. What they have in common is that they all motivate, inspire and show the world of yoga so you can’t help but fall in love with it. 

1) Laura Kasperzak

1mio followers

Follow: laurasykora

This famous yogini mom got viral when she posted yoga pictures with her kids. She keeps inspiring with her advanced poses. 

 Favorite quote:

Do all things with LOVE. – Og Mandino.

2) Rachel Brathen

Follow: yoga_girl


Yoga on a paddle board? Oh yes, that’s Rachel! This Swedish yogini takes yoga from the mat and onto a paddle board, resulting in inspirational, athletic poses.

Favorite quote:

Live the life you love. Love the life you live!

3) Kerri Verna

Follow: beachyogagirl


 Kerri will teach you things you never dreamed possible. What can be better than yoga on the beach with Kerry? 

Favorite quote:

Love is in the air…

4) Kino MacGregor


Follow: kinoyoga

This yogini inspires us with her handstands around the world.

Favorite quote:

Be brave enough to follow your dreams even when no one believes in them.

5) Honza & Claudine Lafond 


Follow: yogabeyond

Practice together, stay together. That’s the motto of this beautiful yoga couple.  

Favorite quote:

Life is so precious… every single moment!

6) Caitlin Turner

Follow: gypsetgoddess



This girl meditates on top of an elephant and does handstands on mountain tops – always with a smile on her face.

Favorite quote:

Anytime, any place, any size, any shape, all bodies are beautiful.

7) Amanda Bisk 

Follow: amandabisk


Beautiful, flexible, inspirational. Amanda knows how to overcome hard times and how to enjoy the life.  

Favorite quote:

Learn, Lead and Love your own journey.

8) Playful Yogi

Follow: doughyphysique


Linnea proves that the kitchen is not just for making food but for something more spiritual.

Favorite quote:

Finding the balance between over-efforting and acceptance.

9) Talia

Follow: talia_sutra


Talia teaches how to live your own rules and impresses by her super flexible and beautiful body. 

Favorite quote:

Live by your own rules.

10) Melissa Lee 

Follow: pocketdwarf 


This Canadian yogini is a great example of a happy person, loving mom and wife. Follow her for more motivation.

Favorite quote:

Look past your thoughts, so that you may drink the pure nectar of this moment ~ Rumi

11) Robin Martin

Follow: robinmartinyoga


Robin is an acro yogi and a beautiful mom of two. Follow to get your daily inspiration!

Favorite quote:

Once you’ve tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you will always long to return. – Leonardo da Vinci

12) Rivka Reynoso


Follow: rivkayoga


Rivka shares not only her great yogi skills but her feelings and emotions. She is very open with her followers and this can’t but motivate!  

Favorite quote:

Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony. – Thomas Merton

13 ) Nicole Woyak


Follow: nwoy

Nicole is a yoga instructor. Her posts are full of inspirational quotes and thoughts. 

Favorite quote:

If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.- Lao Tzu

14) Jacquelyn Umof


Follow: actionjacquelyn

Jacquelyn’s pictures make us smile and feel the joy of life.

Favorite quote:

Every single day find your passion and live it.

15) Brittany Bridge


 Follow: brittatrubridge


Brittany is known as “The Mermaid Yogi”. Who wouldn’t like to follow such a beautiful mermaid?

Favorite quote:

The way we deal with the issue IS the issue. -Ariana Huffington

16) Kristen Rose Provenché


Follow: kristenpro


This young and beautiful yogini from California has a lot to show. Golden eagle or wild yogi, Kristen can easily turn into any.  

Favorite quote:

Get in touch with the energy field of the inner body, be intensely present, disidentify from the mind, surrender to what is…-Eckhart Tolle

17) Andrea Sauter


Follow: yogamand

Every day is a new yoga pose! Stay fun and positive with Andrea.

Favorite quote:

Smile, Breathe, and go slowly. – from Thích Nhất Hạnh

Check these 21 beautiful Instagram yoga poses and these 14 Instagram girls for more inspiration. 

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