How Writing Influences the Brain


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Writing is a mental activity. It has been known to keep the mind sharp and young way into old age.

Writers are also considered to be among the wittiest people around the world. This is an indication that the act of writing influences the brain. If you can write your anatomy and physiology homework or create nurse essay topics and write a research paper, you will end up a sharper individual. 

Close up girl's hand with a black pen and a notebook

The brain is a complex tissue whose health or strength cannot be attributed to the single act of writing. It also offers endless possibilities to writers because of the dimensions of the brain.

The basic areas affected by writing in the brain are the parietal lobe and frontal lobe. The latter is associated with speech and writing while the former part is associated with the interpretation of language and words. 

Here are some of the connections between writing and the brain that a student should take advantage of.

Writing Helps to Memorise Things

Writing down an idea makes it easier to remember. It explains why a lot of students are encouraged to take personal notes in class instead of relying on handouts. The trick is that the physical act of writing causes the information to be stored at a special place in your brain that makes its retrieval easier.

You are also forced to process the information before writing. This is an added level of engaging with the ideas. It ensures that the information is committed to more durable memory. Writing requires a great deal of organizing the ideas. The brain will, therefore, find it easier to deal with this organized information.

Writing Makes Emotional Reactions More Pronounced

Psychologists deduced the emotional state of writer when they were penning some of their best works. Passionate writers are also said to be controlled by emotional reactions to some of the ideas and issues they are addressing. Writing out of passion will, therefore, be directed by the brain.

Neurologists indicate that brain waves and emotional reactions affect memory. If you can connect deeply with an idea, it will be memorable when you get down to writing. Writing in an area you are passionate will enhance your memory because the essay or paper will be as a result of a blend with emotions and the mind. 

Makes the Mind More Expressive 

Writing requires the brain to process information and package it for consumption by the reader. This is one of the direct benefits of writing to the brain because you will be learning ways of choosing between ideas until you settle on the best. A writer has to sift through words in the head over a fraction of a second. The exercise aids in decision making, and especially the ability to choose the right words or expressions for different instances. 

Expressive individuals capture the attention of the public and people around. These individuals also find it easier to convince listeners or readers because they can think fast on their feet. An expressive individual finds it easier to get that which he or she may desire because the demand or request is made clearly. 

The Brain Is More Organized 

An organized individual is more socially attractive. The individual will also accumulate wealth or capital because of better organization. Organization will also reflect in your school work as you write essays or examinations.

Excellent writers organize their ideas so that their articles or papers are coherent. When this exercise is conducted repeatedly, it becomes a routine for the writer. It will be replicated in all other activities that the writer undertakes. The mind of a prolific writer will be more organized and coherent because it has gotten used to the trend on paper. 

Writing Calms the Mind

A girl is holding a pen in one hand an a cup of tea in the other one. She is going to write something in the notepad

Do you have ideas running through your mind to the point of causing anxiety? Write them down. The mind will process and organize the ideas to the point that you will feel calm. Writing, therefore, acts as a stress reliever.

A relaxed and stress-free mind will perform better in class and any other engagement that requires sober thinking. If the mind is calm, you avoid emotional or irrational decisions. A student can concentrate better in class by taming the mind. 

Writing will Expand the Capacity of Your Brain

The brain is an organ like all others in your body. Writing acts like workout that engages the mind. More writing translates into more brain exercise. The workout stretches the potential of your brain. Because of dealing with multiple ideas during writing, the brain increases its capacity to synthesize information. It translates into a more reliable brain for writers. 

Writing requires extensive reading. You have to review the ideas and make instant decisions on the points to include in a paper and those to discard. If you want a young and sharp mind into old age, it is time to embrace writing.