The Grid Foam Roller Review

The Grid” by TriggerPoint is our recommended foam roller because it is durable and functional. It seems strange that something hollow can be so strong, but the gridded design is. This foam roller is firmer than a basic white foam roller, allowing you to use more pressure and work out deep knots or tensions better.  It really makes it feels like you are getting massaged by a physical therapist.

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The Grid Foam Roller

TriggerPoint “The Grid” Foam Roller

The Grid is an upgrade on TriggerPoint’s original Grid, a hollow-core, firm roller. The new version has the same basic design–hollow on the inside and  bumpy nubs on the outside. People complained about the lack of sturdyness of the original, so TriggerPoint made it twice as firm. I don’t think that you can break this one, unless you are an elephant. 

The Grid is 13 inches in length and 17.5 inches around.

On Amazon, the Grid got an amazing 79% five star reviews. The one complaint that comes up in reviews is that some think the foam roller is too dense. This may depend on personal preference, or could be a factor if you have super tight muscles. Most people seem to like the harder pattern of this foam roller, though, as this is most efficient for releasing specific muscle tensions. 

Trigger Point also make a travel edition of The Grid, called the Mini (see our review).  There is also a two-in-one version of a rigid and soft foam roller (see review), which is a great deal if you are looking for both.

“The Grid” is on the pricier side, but if you are looking for something to last you a long time, this is your best choice.

Here is a video review of The Grid foam roller:

[youtube url=”” width=”520″] [/youtube]

You can also buy The Grid directly from TriggerPoint for $39.99.

Part of: Selecting the Best Foam Roller: Top 6 Foam Rollers Reviewed


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The Grid Foam Roller
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