Bigger and Rounder Glutes. A Killing Circuit for Super Legs and Booty

Perky Butt Workout

Try this super killing booty-and-leg-building circuit for shapely legs and round butt. Do our workout 2-3 times per week and you won’t need to buy any butt-lifting jeans ever!

Bigger and Rounder Glutes Workout

Warm Up 

Before starting a Killing Circuit for Super Legs and Booty, warm up properly. Do each exercise of 20 reps without any rest between exercises. 

1. Barbell Squats

Note: Use a light weight or just your bodyweight to warm up the muscles. 

2. Lunges With a Kickback

Note: Use light dumbbells or a body bar. 

3) Resistance Band Glute Bridge

Legs and Booty Workout 

1. Dumbbell Step-Ups

Sets: 4

Reps: 20 each leg

Add dumbbells or barbell if it’s too easy for you.

Note: If you are an advanced trainee, try Transverse Step Up or Dumbbell Step Up Single Leg Balance With Bicep Curl engaging your arms.

3) Cable Pull-Through

Sets: 4

Reps: 25

Put medium weight so you could do 25 repetitions feeling the burn in your glutes. 

4. Kettlebell Sumo Squat

Sets: 4

Reps: 25


Do this superset with no rest between exercises.

Supersets: 3

Reps: 20

5. Narrow Squat on Smith Machine

6. Curtsy Lunges on Smith Machine

Reps: 20 for each leg

Check what effective workout you can have using only one machine – Super Effective Cable Workout for Glutes and Legs.

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